3 Purchasing Behavior Statistics Everyone Should Care About

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Online shopping has drastically increased in the last year due to the pandemic. As such, knowing what influences a customer’s buying decision will help you deploy effective marketing strategies to boosting sales and generate revenue.

If you want to see people clicking on the ‘add to cart button,’ you must influence your potential customers’ buying decisions. And what’s a better way to do that than by learning about a few important buying-behavior statistics to help you map out your marketing strategy?

  1. People like to Gather Information from Various Sources
    Studies show that people try to find as much information as they can find before buying anything online. According to studies, 36% of information is gathered through a company’s website. The remaining information is gathered from social media sources and word of mouth, which comes under customer reviews.

Studies show that people try to find as much information as they can find before buying anything online. According to studies, 36% of information is gathered through a company’s website. The remaining information is gathered from social media sources and word of mouth, which comes under customer reviews.

  1. Product Reviews are everything
    People read reviews before purchasing a product.

According to studies, 88% of people claim online reviews to be very informative. Customer reviews are generally very popular, so try to gather as many reviews as possible from your existing customers so you can display them on your website to influence the purchase decisions of potential customers.

  1. Packaging Matters
    An attractive packaging that adds to the functionality of the product and displays all the necessary information a customer needs to make their buying decision is a great way to market to your target audience.

Around 81% of consumers have tried a new product because of its packaging. A beautifully-packaged product stands out and captures the customer’s attention like no other. So, make sure you make your product’s packaging is unique!

If you’re looking for product branding and packaging solutions, we’ve got you covered!

Reach out to professional product packaging services, BPS Glass in Florida. Our experts have years of experience in providing exceptional packaging to make your products more attractive to your customers.

We also offer personalized spirit bottles. Contact us today to find out more.
