What Happens to Wine Over Time in Glass Bottles?
Wine is a preferred drink among U.S. residents. Unlike other drinks, wine has a peculiar relationship with time—it gets better as it ages!
This is because, with time, the wine undergoes several changes in glass bottles. If you’re curious about what those changes are, let’s have a look.
What’s wine aging?
Wine aging comprises a group of reactions that improve the taste and flavor of wine over time. It distinguishes wine from other consumable items.
How does wine change over time?
The most apparent change in wine occurs in color during aging. White wine’s color becomes golden and then later brown if aged too long. In red wine, orange and brick red colors replace the violet and purple tints.
The reason for this color change is oxidation. Once wine bottles are un-sealed, the ingredients react with the air causing the color transformation. Wines are treated with minimum oxygen exposure while bottling to minimize oxidation.
With time, the wine becomes rich in taste, and many compositional changes contribute to this. Phenolic compounds play an essential role in developing the wine’s taste and flavor. Acidity decreases and wine becomes less astringent and mellower.
Significant changes also occur in wine’s aroma over time. Ester, yeast, and alcohol are used abundantly used in wine preparation. During maturation and storage, yeast reactions cause fermentation that forms a refined and pleasing fragrance. Also, terpene compounds enhance the fruity aroma of wine with time.
Other undesirable changes include nutty or Aldehyde aroma due to the spoilage by yeast and bacteria. Wine bottling, thus, plays a vital role in the changes a wine undergoes.
Some wine preservation essentials?
Atmospheric pressure and components cause wine’s color, aroma, and taste to change both favorably and unfavorably. That’s why it’s important to preserve wine bottles in less humid areas.
Temperature is another factor in wine maturation. At elevated temperatures, wine reactions increase rapidly. Therefore, store young, fresh, and fruity wines in cool temperatures to prevent rapid aging and loss of quality.
Finally, the light also affects wine aging as it triggers oxidation. Dark places are adequate for wine storage.
To sum up
Bottling wines from professionals could make consumers’ wine experience everlasting and amazing. BPS Glass has over 60 years of experience in designing crystal bottle packaging. We believe in designing innovative and sustainable packaging for our clients in Florida.
Are you looking for glass packaging? From sprit and crystal bottles to corks and labels, we design everything. Let’s get in touch with our result-oriented team at info@bpsglass.comor +1 470 864 3065