4 Steps to Starting a High-End Spirit Business

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The global retail value of the luxury spirit market amounted to $15.07 in 2015. Today, the USA alone has a $44 billion spirits market, and the experts expect it to grow by 6% annually through 2022. This growth is the perfect opportunity for industry players to emerge as a thriving high-end spirit business.

One may wonder why more consumers are gravitating towards high-end spirits these days. According to the USA spirit industry’s top 10 trends, millennials are the driving force of this increasing demand. While product packaging and design innovations play a significant role in the spirit industry’s success, most consumers are attracted to superior ingredients and fewer calories in high-end spirits.

Keep reading to learn the four essential steps to starting your high-end spirit business.

Pick your Forte
The first step is to determine what kind of liquor you’ll be focusing on.

From whiskey and gin to vodka and tequila, there are numerous options for you to choose from. It’s ideal to find a preferable niche within a broad alcohol category.

When conducting market research, find out which drinks aren’t easily available. Start by asking your colleagues or talking to other liquor entrepreneurs to seek guidance.

Develop your Product
The second step is to reach out to the stakeholders who can help you bring your idea to life. Developing an alcoholic beverage is a complicated process that requires opinions from vinery owners, chemists, and other industry experts.

Once you’ve figured out which beverage production would be the most profitable for you, consider seeking consultation and financial assistance from a reliable product branding and designing company that can provide valuable insights to help you enter the market as promptly and efficiently as possible.

Undergo Legalities
All businesses require compliance with regulations, government approvals, licenses, and permits for smooth and legal operation. It’s critical to undergo the comprehensive process of completing all the necessary paperwork to register your business.

Alcohol businesses must be compliant with regulations because they operate under rigorous requirements. It’s ideal to employ an attorney who can help you stay updated and in compliance with the rules.

As a new business, you’ll need to register for a license from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in the USA.

Marketing & Design
While your high-end spirit’s quality will matter, its marketing is essential too. From your product name and logo to your bottle’s design, shape, material, and label, every decision you make will play a part in brand appeal and sales.

Consider connecting with a product design and packaging service that offers wholesale wine bottle glasses and personalized spirit bottles to increase your brand image.

Are you an emerging high-end spirits business owner? Reach out to us at BPS Glass for the exceptional packaging and labeling service to fit your project’s needs. Request a quote here.
